Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Patching it up and a a couple quickie updates

This weekend I noticed that Abby had worn a hole through her most favorite pair of jeans. I imagine it was only a matter of time. I wasn't sure how I wanted to handle it, but after some thought I decided that this time I would try to patch it myself, using a strategy I had seen online. Here is how to do it....

I forgot to take pictures of the first step or two, but first I cut a patch (she chose a heart over a square, go figure) out of some scrap fabric. I also cut an exact matching shape out of Wonder Under (You get it at the cutting table at JoAnns- you can have them cut as much or as little as you need). Then, I ironed the Wonder Under to the patch, according to the directions. Peel off the Wonder Under backing, and iron it to the jeans over the hole. All of those steps are pretty much according to the Wonder Under directions, which you get when you buy it (if they don't give them to you, ask). This is what the jeans looked like:

Then, I took white embroidery floss (because it was all I had) and knotted it on the back side and made cute stitches all around. I had trouble getting a needle to go through the detailing that was sewn into the jeans so I just went around it. I don't think anyone will notice. I think if the stitches are a little uneven, it just looks cuter. The whole project probably took me an hour, the stitches took me the longest.

And, there you have it. Cute!

As for other updates, my knee surgery is in one week (the link has more info that I blogged about a week or two ago). I'm not really too nervous about the surgery itself, just the recovery. I'm very lucky that I have some friends that are coordinating some meals after my Mom leaves. Thank you Pam and Joy!!

I am a very happy girl as far as gadget-tech stuff goes because I FINALLY got an iPhone! I have patiently been waiting for Verizon to get the iPhone (for years!!!!) and yesterday Matt and I made it up the Apple store for some stuff and while we were there we splurged a little earlier than we were planning and I finally got my iPhone. So fun!!! Can you I just tell you how the Apple store just makes you WANT stuff?! Everything is so slick and cool, and as a Mac person, I just drool.

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been doing some work on the blog. I did some design changes and I also worked on creating Labels for my posts. Now, you can click on a label on the left and it will pull up posts that fall under that label. I haven't gone back through every post, but I've done quite a bit of work on it.

That's all I've got for now, on to my busy Tuesday. Have a great one everyone!


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