Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bible Reading Plan for Slackers and Shirkers

The title of the blog entry has you intrigued, right? Me too. I'm totally a slacker. I have never signed up for one of those Disciple Bible studies where you read the whole Bible, because I know I will fail and not hold my end of the bargain. I know I am not the only one.

So, I happened upon this entry on Incourage, which is a Christian women's site. I don't visit their site often, but I "like" them on Facebook, so I catch little snippets there most often. Back in January around resolution time they posted this blog entry called "The Hardest Thing To Do Is Open Your Bible," that was talking right to me. -and still is. I shared it with the ladies at my Mom's Group, and really this blog entry is partially for me to share the links with them.

Some hints given in the blog entry were to just leave a bible open on the kitchen counter at all times. Another was an actual reading plan, which I gave the title to in my blog title. Great title, right? The idea of the Bible Reading Plan for Slackers and Shirkers is that there are no dates to keep to. You can't really fall behind. It takes the bible and breaks it up into sections, that you read by day. Here is how it is set up:

Sunday: O.T. Poetry
Monday: Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Bible)
Tuesday: O.T. History
Wednesday: O.T. History
Thursday: O.T. Prophets
Friday: N.T. History
Saturday: N.T. Epistles

If you miss a day, you just pick it up next week and there is a chart that helps you split up what to read. For the chart click here.

I'm enough of a slacker and shirker that I haven't started yet, but I'm moving toward it. What about you?

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