Saturday, September 18, 2010

Our Family Rules

Remember this post about the cool Family Rules canvas idea I saw on the Pleated Poppy blog? Well, I finally did it. AND, it turned out pretty cool. It didn't take me as long as I thought it might and it was probably easier than I thought it might be. I followed most of the directions from the the Pleated Poppy. If you are interested, I would suggest following the link to my first post about the project.

So, here are my supplies. When I started, I tried buying sticker letters and paint pens because I wasn't real sure how the lettering was going to work out. I had a lot of fun picking out paper. I tried to balance feminine and masculine colors so that Matt wouldn't totally hate it. Once of the pieces of advice I read was to try to pick papers that didn't have a lot of contrast in them because it makes the lettering hard to read, and I have one or two that I might have changed if I could after the fact.

I used 12 different papers and my canvas was 24 inches long, so each strip was 2 inches wide (showing). I chose not to paint the canvas ahead of time and I am glad that I didn't waste the money on paint because I don't think it would have made a difference. Here is what it looks like part of the way done...

I decided that the paint pens looked REALLY bad. I'm glad that I tested them before using them on the real project. I ended up buying gobs of sticker letters, which probably isn't the most cost-efficient method, but looks really good.

Here is the finished project! We have it hanging in the kitchen. I love it!

I, of course, needed a Vanna...

Also, for those of you who are interested, here are our Family Rules:
be kind, have fun
thank God for this family
sing, hug, dance, snuggle, say I love you
always tell the truth
family comes first. always be there.
use magic words: please, thank you...
there is no "mine" in this house
husband, adore her always. wife, love him forever.
have an open mind
make good choices
say what you are sorry for
celebrate together

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