Sunday, March 7, 2010


Here's a partial update to my last post:

So, I ended up calling the doctor and speaking with one of the nurse practitioners. She was great and suggested ruling out a milk allergy. That includes taking milk out of her diet and replacing it with soy milk, and doing a blood test that will tell us if she is allergic to milk (and a bunch of other things). I ran to the store that afternoon and bought some Silk Soy Milk, which she downed with no problem. Already (after about 3 days on it), we feel like her tummy problems are noticeably better.

I also took her for a blood draw at the hospital on Friday. We got all our paperwork taken care of, and were called back for the blood draw. All we did was sit down and Lily started screaming. The two girls checked out her arms and had a very hard time finding a vein that they thought they could hit. They referred us up to peds (Remember, Lily still screaming). So, up to peds we go. They checked out her arms and feet for good veins (still screaming). No luck. They actually did try on one arm, but couldn't get it. They asked me if I minded if they tried a vein in her head. After asking a couple questions, I told them to go for it. The veins were WAY better there, and they said that it probably hurts less. They had to swaddle her in a blanket to help keep her still, but she cried and screamed the WHOLE time. -and, by the time we were done, I had some tears too.

I found this link on milk allergies in children, if you're interested.

Now, we're waiting for results. We should find out this week, but it may be late this week. I'll keep you posted!

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