Sunday, November 21, 2010

Decorating and Easy, Cute Crafts

Does it seem to you that everyone and their brother is already decorating for Christmas? Yikes. It is hard not to feel behind if you haven't started. I haven't, by the way. We were totally lazy yesterday and didn't do the lights like we thought we would. We might today, but even if we do, they won't get turned on, of course.

That said, I am starting to get the bug to get started. Sad, right? As I'm sure you know, I read a fair amount of blogs and a lot of them are pretty creative. I keep reading about all these cute crafty seasonal things they are doing. I have done none of these. Hmmmm. I keep thinking I should come up with SOMETHING for Thanksgiving. I mean, I know it is a few days, but we could take something cute to Grandma and Papa's that they would enjoy, right? Yeah, no inspiration. I keep blaming it on my cold. Maybe it's not the cold. Maybe it's me.

So, instead for right now, I'm thinking a little more ahead on Christmas. Cute crafts that will get more than 2 days of use. So far I've got nothing. Actually, that's not true. I want to try to make some kind of cute banner, but that requires buying the supplies, and then I wonder if it's worth the money. ...and then I feel like a giant Scrooge. I guess for now, I'll keep looking for ideas.

What about you? Are you looking forward to decorating for Christmas?

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