Monday, November 1, 2010

Cookies and Then...Halloween!

So, the last few days at my house have been a little insane. I would like to rewind to last Thursday. Because, really, I had stuff to blog about from Thursday and then stuff got in the way, so I'm just going to rewind. Pretend we're on Tivo or DVR.

We decided last Thursday, that we were going to make cute cut-out cookies. They were so cute. Really. It started out as pumpkin cookies, actually circles decorated as pumpkins, and then we got out these cuties. Cows, sheep, and bunnies. Cuteness.

Sadly, this is as far as my picture taking got. I got to busy decorating. I was going to take more of them decorated at some point, or while we were frosting but I got too busy, well, frosting. :)

And then, the next morning would have been good, but instead, I was cleaning up after a very sick, throwing up Abby. Poor thing. You can't tell in the pictures, can you? That she is mere hours away from being really sick all over the place? (Actually now that I have typed that, I see that they don't show her face, but trust me, you couldn't tell.)

The worst part was that she missed her first school Fall Party. She was pitiful and sad. My heart broke for her. At 5:00 in the morning, after throwing up, when I told her she would be going to school, she said in a weepy voice, "Why did it have to happen today?" It was one of those moments where you wished you could take it away for them. We laid on the couch most of the day watching kids TV (I got some of her stomach flu too), so that helped. Luckily she felt a lot better by Saturday so she was able to go to her friend's birthday party.

Also, because of stomach flu, we didn't get as much Halloween stuff in. We didn't make it to ZooBoo for the first time since Abby was 2, and our pumpkin got carved the day of Halloween this year, which was cutting it a little close!

And last, but not least, some costume and candy pictures!

Just because they are so stinkin' cute (and funny), our neighbors, Nate and Eliza, as Where's Waldo and an Ice Cream Cone (though she lost the hat since she was done trick-or-treating). Believe it not, he wore that all day at work. Too funny.

Abby, after a rough night of trick-or-treating. Doesn't she look worn out?

Lily, thinking about what to eat next.
(Actually she loved moving the candy back and forth from the table to in the pumpkin)

What? You think you're going to STEAL my candy after I go to bed?!?!

Greeting trick-or-treaters
The girls loved this. Lily would run screaming to the door (with her hands in the air) when the doorbell rang (literally), and Abby loved seeing so many people that she knew now that she's in school.

I hope you all had a great Halloween. I guess now that we made it through I have to put up all the decorations. Maybe tomorrow, right? :) Can you believe it is November now? Yikes!


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