Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten on Ten

What is Ten on Ten?

Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments!

Hello May! So, I cheated a little. I didn't stick to an every hour thing- or even close, as you will see. Some of my pictures are close together time-wise, but I liked the images too much to not choose them. Enjoy!

While I ate my breakfast, Lily kept winding up this teddy bear that plays Jesus Loves Me and listening to it.

Gymboree with Ms. Wendy, today's theme was delivering the mail. It was a really fun week.

Lily is "delivering a letter" by putting it through the slot.

Bubbles on the parachute. So pretty.

Walking with Abby home from the bus stop.

Matt came to practice his part for the recital with Abby. They are doing "Forever Your Girl". The Dads have a small part.

The girls singing with me while I make dinner. We are jamming to Bruno Mars "Marry You". (LOVE that song) You can't tell, but they each have a mixing spoon that they are holding to dance with also.

Lily's coloring stuff STILL out from earlier. Will it EVER get put away?

Shoes all lined up at the end of the day.

The end.


Melissa said...

very good pictures. I like the one of them walking from the bus.

Lodie (my nickname) said...

these are my favorite posts - I love them!!!


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