Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Big Wheel Race

Yesterday was the Kindergarten Big Wheel Races at Abby's school. We woke up to a forecast of possible storms, so we weren't sure the weather was going to hold out, but it ended up being beautiful.

The school has 4 trikes/big wheels that they use every year for this purpose. They have been doing it for years and years. They practiced last week and Abby said she wasn't nervous. I was a little nervous about Lily because the race was right during her nap time, but she was a champ.

Here she is ready to go to Abby's school:

The Big Wheel Race:

Abby is on the far right. Her poor little legs barely reached the pedals, so I think she was at an unfair disadvantage (lots of adults commented on that during her heat). She had a hard time picking up much speed, but had fun.

The celebration of ice cream sundaes afterward:

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I don't remember doing all that fun stuff in kindergarten!


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