Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day of School

We did it. Abby is officially at school as a kindergartener. ...and I'm still a bit of a mess this morning, but I'm trying.

She did great and was so focused on watching for the bus at the bus stop that she would not turn around and talk to me. She was all business. :)

Yesterday we went to Kindergarten Orientation. In a way, it was like a first day because it was the day that we got to go in and see her room, teacher, seat, etc. Here she is in front of her room and at her seat.

And, here is today... I don't know why the picture is blurry. I took 3 like this and they all turned out that way. I'm pretty frustrated about it. Anyway... She's wearing a nametag with her name, teacher, and school on it for safety on the bus. That way, we are sure she gets where she is supposed to.

Matt and Abby, walking ahead of me (and Lily) to the bus stop. We ended up switching corners because of the direction the bus came (which I guess was different from last year). We have a busy stop, lots of kids.

Waiting patiently for the bus... don't distract her!

And the moment of truth... and to be honest I still get a little teary looking at this picture.
She was so big and confident.

The bus driver is asking her if she is a kindergartner, and then tells her to sit close to the front.

(and then I quickly walked home with Matt because talking to neighbors was too hard.)

Tomorrow will be easier, right?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

She will do great! But you know that.


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