Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Trip to the Dentist

~Sorry it has been a while since I posted. Life has been busy (and pregnant Carrie has been EXHAUSTED) since school started back up. School is good this year, though my feet were killing me by the end of the week!~

Today Abby had her second-ever dentist appointment, which to her, is fun. She goes to a pediatric dentist in the area. The one thing that is weird at first is that parents do not go back while their child's teeth are being cleaned. This time, I watched Abby walk down the hallway with the hygienist in the back and very boldly tell her (the first words out of her mouth) that she wanted a blue toothbrush today. I laughed my way to my seat to wait for her to be done. A short while later, maybe only 10-15 minutes, they called me back. Her teeth looked good and she got her blue toothbrush! She also chose a dinosaur toy out of the toy drawer. Here are some pictures of her beautiful smile and her "roaring" for her dinosaur.

Oh, and notice the bazillion stickers she came home adorned with.

The new dinosaur toy requires a "ROAR!"  (oh, and note the BLUE toothbrush!)

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