Monday, July 14, 2008


Abby has been in a pretending stage for a bit now, that isn't new. However, it has picked up some steam in the last couple days since Matt got back from his trip. Today, while I was puttering around the house, she played in the playroom by herself with her "children". She made sure they took their naps...

What a good caretaker she is. She even made sure they had blankets. My personal favorites are the improvised blankets, such as the hot pad, and dry erase mat.

Here, she got them all sitting in chairs with a blanket on their lap. She then began to panic after I took the picture because she didn't have a blanket on HER lap. I told her it would be okay. (oh, and shhhh, but Cinderella is sitting on an upside down bucket)

What a vivid and organized imagination!


Everything Lissy said...

That is so funny!!

Lodie (my nickname) said...

This absolutely makes me laugh - especially the hot pad and the dry erase board. She is too cute. Nice job on the blog, Carrie!!


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