Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Painting Pottery

One of our family's newest favorite TV shows is (I should admit it is a guilty pleasure)... Jon and Kate Plus 8. Matt and I ended up turning it on one night and watching it for almost 2 hours. It just kind of sucked us in. In a recent episode, Kate took the five girls of the family for a "Girl's Day Out" to a pottery painting store. She was surprised how much fun they had, how relaxed and quiet the girls were while they were working, and how much the girls were into it. After watching, it seemed like a fun idea to try with Abby.

I chose a day that Matt was gone all day due to work and class. We went after nap, and Abby had no idea where we were going. I just told her it was a surprise. She was quietly excited when we got there. She got to choose what ever she wanted to paint, and chose a car bank. -though she chose it because it was a car, not a bank. I let her choose 4 colors, which later became 5 when she wanted one of my colors. She was very focused while she worked. It was so cute. She wouldn't even look up when I took her picture, because she was "too busy painting."

While we were painting, I explained that they had to put it into a machine that would make it all shiny and beautiful, so she understood that we didn't get to take it home same-day. She kept telling me how beautiful it would be after they fired it. Here is her finished painting project:


Everything Lissy said...

I just watched that episode. Glad you had fun.

Lodie (my nickname) said...

Just think how excited she will be when she sees it after it is fired.


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