Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rambling Thoughts

Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. I keep waiting for some inspiration, and it just hasn't come. So, I'll just ramble some random thoughts, I guess. Let's be honest, that is how I talk anyway.

We made it through our Christmas travels. We crammed in a lot of traveling in a short amount of time. It felt like we didn't really have much time at either of our stops, yet we were really glad to be home when we got there. The girls got way too many toys. We made a trip to Target the day after we got home to buy a new organizational shelf-thingy for Abby's room to try to contain some of her "little" toys that Lily needs to be kept away from. Speaking of Lily, she was too fun at Christmas. Even though I am sure she didn't really "get" Christmas, she would get all excited when we opened presents. It was really cute. See?

Abby got lots of more grown up toys this year. Barbies, My Little Pony, craft stuff, and a fancy jewelry box (which she says is her favorite present, yes!). Her jewelry box was a big one from us. It is personalized with her name and is a music box with a ballerina inside it. And, of course, Santa is a big deal.

As far as the crawling update on Lily, she still isn't. That said, she is moving around quite a bit. She just started kinda crawling backwards to get to a sitting position, and she is doing a lot more rolling to move around. I originally thought she'd be crawling by Christmas and I was obviously wrong. Now my bet is her birthday. We'll see.

Everyone is back to the real world tomorrow. Matt is back at work and Abby has preschool. She is ready, he's anxious. Lily and I are just around for the ride. I do think this is where we'll start to feel the difference of Matt being done with his MBA. He has always had the holidays off from classes, but now he'll be working and actually get to be home in the evenings. I'm really looking forward to the routine of him being home. Now we can choose what we WANT to do.

Ummm, more rambling...

I got a small gift card to JoAnns in my stocking, so I'm planning a few projects in the coming weeks. I am going to try another Scarf Along, I think, with some different fabric colors. I think I want to use darker colors this time, with some black since I wear a lot of it. I also have ordered a pattern for a cute girly skirt for Abby (and Lily soon), so that will be fun too. I'll keep you posted.

Can you believe it is 2010???? Are you going to say "Two thousand ten" or "twenty ten"? I haven't decided yet. I just had to write it for the first time today. Weird. Bye bye, 2009: Year of the Lily!
Happy New Year!

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