Monday, February 9, 2009

Random Ramblings

I haven't posted much since Lily arrived, for obvious reasons. My mind doesn't seem to be ready to form complete sentences and paragraphs in written form, but I'm going to try. I have no major topic, just random ramblings.

Today I got my sutures out, which I was really nervous and anxious about. I didn't have sutures with Abby, so they made me really nervous. I was constantly worried that they'd come undone or rip. Isn't it weird, how after your first, you are constantly comparing it to your first? I find myself doing it a lot. So far, it has been a really different experience. One obvious reason is that I've done this before. Beyond that, Lily just seems like a different newborn than Abby was. Abby cried a LOT. Lily fusses some, but doesn't really full-out cry. Nursing seems to be the solution most of the time to her fussiness. I remember feeling like I was constantly nursing Abby and finding it an inconvenience. This time, I just knew it was going to be that way, so it has been easier.

Abby has been a champ of a big sister. We really can't complain. The only time we really have to watch her is when she wants to hug and kiss Lily, because she pulls on her to get her close, but even that has slowed a little in the last few days. I still worry that she isn't getting enough time from me, but I'm trying. It will be better when I feel like I'm getting around better.

Well, speak of the devil, Lily is coming out of her "coma" in the swing, so motherhood calls...

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