Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Sunday

We had a good day yesterday.  It's amazing how being a little settled and not being constantly worried that we're going to have a showing can calm you down a little.  We're just a little more relaxed the last week or so.  It's nice.

We went shopping at the Outlet Mall yesterday, and scored some good buys.  Lily picked out a hat which she has been wearing a lot since.  It's super cute.  She wore it to church today.  Abby picked out a new shirt, which isn't pictured, but she is wearing today.  She says it is super comfy.  They both got a new pair of Croc flip-flops.  We picked those because Lily really, really wants to wear flip flops, but trips or walks out of them so I won't let her wear them out very often.  The Crocs version, however, has a sturdy back strap, and she loves them.  Abby's size is big enough that they don't come with a back strap and I actually think she was a little bummed. (their new sandals are under the swings in the second picture)

We had one of our new neighbors over for dinner last night.  They have a babysitter-age daughter, so we were introducing her to the girls.  The girls loved her, so we are very optimistic.

On the flip side, the girls played outside a bit and because our lot is wooded, Lily got quite bitten up by mosquitoes, so she has those awful bites and a couple welts again this morning (No one else looks bad).  I feel awful.  They are pretty bad out there.  Sooo, on the way home from church, we picked up oral Benedryl (I threw out all of ours before we moved because it was expired),  Cutter lawn spray, and an OFF PowerPad Lamp.  It's supposed to cover a 15x15 area.  I'm hoping it helps.  We have to do something.  She has to be able to play in her own backyard.

Milo is making himself at home.  He seems to have a renewed "spunk" about him in the new house.  He loves to lay or sit in front of these doors and just look outside.

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