Saturday, June 8, 2013

There's a lot of swimming and cackling going on around here.

We decide to enroll the girls in swim classes at our local YMCA this summer again.  This year, their session is a little later in the season so they get to have their lessons in the outdoor pool, which is a bonus (kind of).  The kind of only comes because we are currently having unseasonably cool temperatures, but they are still having the lessons and so it is FREEZING for the kids if they get into the air at all.  The first lesson was particularly brutal.  We're lucky because our lessons are in the evening so the temps are warmer than in the morning.  They have actually cancelled some lessons this past week because it was too cold.  It's insane, it's June!

Other than that, we're loving the outdoor pool.  Matt and I didn't realize how big their outdoor pool area was.  It is really nice, and since we lost our neighborhood pool it's giving the girls some good pool time.  We are planning on signing them up for the July session too.



This morning, I had two little witches invade my house.  There was a whole lot of cackling going on.

My favorite moment was when Lily was over it and asked me to tell Abby to "stop being so witchy."

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