Monday, January 14, 2013

TV junkie, here.

Yep.  I'm a TV junkie.  I love me some DVRed shows.  Some of my newer favorites are on Monday nights, which is tonight, so I thought I'd share.  :)  Their new season just started last week.

Anyone who has known me for a long time knows that I LOVED Gilmore Girls.  Well, last year, the creator of Gilmore Girls created a new show that is super similar.  She has even had a lot of the actors come to this show.  It's Bunheads on ABC Family.  Love it.

Now, my newest show I've been watching required some catching up.  Switched at Birth comes on right before Bunheads.  Their second season just started and their first season is on Netflix.  I watched the whole first season and am finally all caught up.  It was a long first season.  I was a possessed woman.

It's about two girls who were switched at birth (obviously), but it wasn't figured out until they were 15. One grew up wealthy, one not so much (and single parent).  The one with less means also is deaf.  The deaf storyline adds so much to the show, I think.  It turns out that the two family end up living together, essentially, so they can get to know each other.

I also am still watching Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and Private Practice. 

I feel like I should watch Downton Abbey or I'm not cool, but I don't.

What's your favorite non-reality show?  

1 comment:

Dawna said...

So sad that Private Practice is ending.


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