Monday, July 27, 2009

Little House on the Prairie

A movie recommendation for you:

Pa, Ma, Laura, and Mary

A few weeks back, I happened upon a Little House on the Prairie movie in our TV guide. We had already missed some of it, but there were a couple hours left, so I recorded it, thinking that Abby might like it, and it would be family-friendly (which is becoming more and more important to me). When I first started watching it with her, I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not, because it didn't star the same actors that the series from the 1980's did (and they left out Baby Carrie in it). However, the more I watched it, the more I liked it. What a gorgeous cast. I searched on Direct TV for another showing, so maybe we could catch the beginning also, and recorded it. It was originally a 3 part miniseries (6 hours total) presented by the Wonderful World of Disney.

Mary and Laura (bored) on the wagon during the move to Kansas.

After watching it, and Abby and I enjoying it so much, I got some Little House on the Prairie books from the library and we have already completed Little House in the Big Woods. It has been fun to introduce Abby to what the world used to be like. She asked me recently if they had sidewalks back then. I have "caught" her playing Little House with her dolls. Parts of the book get long (I really didn't need to know that much about how to butcher a deer), but I think she catches the spirit of them. Actually I know she does.

Laura and Pa

I've added some pictures from the movie throughout this blog entry. (They come from here.) I am actually considering buying the DVD, I guess it is available on Amazon for a reasonable price, and it might be a nice addition to our DVD library. We'll see.

The DVD cover

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