Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Preschool Field Trip

Abby had her Preschool Field Trip today and I got to go.  It was a walking trip to a local park.  How, do you say, so you walk 25 three-year-olds through a fairly busy area to the park?  

Here is how:

Abby had lots of fun, as you can see.

(I got in trouble for this one because I took a picture of the backside of the director of the preschool.  I think she'll get over it.)

My favorite picture, hands down, is this one.  Abby walked over to me very upset because there weren't enough bouncy things for her to play with her friends.  As she got to me, they called her back and one of her friends told her to ride with her.  I barely whipped out the camera in time, and it is a little blurry because I was far away and really had to zoom and crop to show it.  That said, worth a thousand words...

I was so glad I got to go.  It was in the air, because siblings weren't allowed, but I worked it out last minute.  I was the only mom in her class that attended and it was nice for her to have the mom that was there.  This is why I am staying home.  That is the mom I want to be.

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