Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It has been observed by my family and husband that since I have been staying home with the girls, I have gotten much more into baking and assorted projects. This isn't a totally new interest, I have always liked to bake, but now I have been getting better at it and have learned about gadgets I would like.

Yesterday, I was at the library with the girls and Abby was playing in the children's area, so I was reading the new Martha Stewart magazine from the periodicals section. On the last page of the magazine was a recipe for Strawberry Shortcake cookies. Cookies are my specialty. Matt loves Strawberry Shortcake anything. I (gasp) tore the page out of the magazine (after looking around to make sure no one was around). I know, I am a terrible person.

Back to the recipe... Part of the directions called for mixing cold butter in with a pastry blender. ??? I had no idea what that was, so when I got home I googled it. At Williams-Sonoma it was $10. Not too bad, but I found one at Target today for $5!

I have also really been wanted a cookie dough scooper to make uniform cookies. You know, like Martha! :) At Williams-Sonoma they are $26. I got mine at Target for $8!

I know these seem like silly gadgets, but I am really looking forward to using them. Not to mention, I got a deal.  I saved a good $20 compared to what I could have spent.  Yay, me!

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