Sunday, May 31, 2009

A preview

From the Recital Dress Rehearsal:
(Abby's number is "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Planting Flowers

I finally planted some flowers today.  Every year I plant several pots that I spread around the front porch and deck.  I was a little late getting them this year.

Abby and I got dressed and hit it early this morning.  We put Lily in the garage to watch and she stayed content the whole time. 

Abby helped me with the flowers, at first.  After this picture was taken she went crazy with the hose and completely soaked herself.  She also had a time out because she turned it on Mommy.  Not cool.  (I know, I'm mean)  I wish I had gotten a picture, but I was too messy to deal with the camera.

I didn't get as much planted this year because I ran out of potting soil.  I still have some in the flat if I get to the store this weekend.  

We also washed down the pots and Abby's wagon with soapy water because they were gross after the long winter. Abby chose to wash her bike after her time out (because she wasn't allowed to touch the hose after that). Here are her wagon and bike, all sparkle-y clean.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


So, despite our best efforts to replace Lily's fingers with a pacifier, she has officially found her thumb. Until recently, she didn't care what part of her hand it was in her mouth. On our recent car trip, however, she seemed to have found her thumb.  I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't a little concerned.  Thumb sucking is just a very hard habit to break for kids.  At least with a pacifier, you can take it away.  -and unlike some, I don't think it is very cute.  

I don't think Lily cares.

-and for good balance, here is a picture of Abby, just taken 5 minutes ago.  She's silly.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I knew it

In the last 2 months, it seems as though Lily has really filled out. She is now the perfect round little baby. When I moved her into 3-6 month clothes, it seemed as though they were already small on her. Weird. Certainly not as roomy as it seemed they should be. I've been trying to wait patiently until her well baby appointment to see where her growth is. At 2 months she was right around 10 pounds.

Fast forward to today. Matt and I both did the weighing thing where we weighed ourselves, then held her and weighed ourselves, and took the differece as Lily's weight. The difference was 14 POUNDS! I looked it up and Abby was only 11 and some ounces at her 4 month appointment. It looks like Lily will be 14! I KNEW she seemed bigger than I remembered with Abby.

It will be interesting to see how the girls grow and develop (differently?) as they get older.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon

I just saw on Twitter that the New Moon promotional posters are out... Can't wait. I googled it and found some of them. Seriously, this time I'm not going to have to go by myself to see it again, am I???? (Matt? Mom? Dad?)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Salad Spinner

I have been wanting a Salad Spinner for years. I just couldn't justify the expense. This year for Mother's Day, I finally got my Salad Spinner, which was a very fun present.

Tonight, I christened it. We had Taco Salad for dinner, just so I could use it. Abby helped spin it. Too much fun.

Thanks Matty!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It has been observed by my family and husband that since I have been staying home with the girls, I have gotten much more into baking and assorted projects. This isn't a totally new interest, I have always liked to bake, but now I have been getting better at it and have learned about gadgets I would like.

Yesterday, I was at the library with the girls and Abby was playing in the children's area, so I was reading the new Martha Stewart magazine from the periodicals section. On the last page of the magazine was a recipe for Strawberry Shortcake cookies. Cookies are my specialty. Matt loves Strawberry Shortcake anything. I (gasp) tore the page out of the magazine (after looking around to make sure no one was around). I know, I am a terrible person.

Back to the recipe... Part of the directions called for mixing cold butter in with a pastry blender. ??? I had no idea what that was, so when I got home I googled it. At Williams-Sonoma it was $10. Not too bad, but I found one at Target today for $5!

I have also really been wanted a cookie dough scooper to make uniform cookies. You know, like Martha! :) At Williams-Sonoma they are $26. I got mine at Target for $8!

I know these seem like silly gadgets, but I am really looking forward to using them. Not to mention, I got a deal.  I saved a good $20 compared to what I could have spent.  Yay, me!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Abby created a masterpiece today. Her drawing has been getting so much more advanced. This she created using her animal stamps and drawing. If you look closely, you will see blue "rivers" with ducks in them, a muddy area with pigs playing in it, a farmer, sunshine, and a fence around it all. Well done, Abby! I then turned it over and asked what the scribblies were. "A swirly slide for the farmer." Of course.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Preschool Field Trip

Abby had her Preschool Field Trip today and I got to go.  It was a walking trip to a local park.  How, do you say, so you walk 25 three-year-olds through a fairly busy area to the park?  

Here is how:

Abby had lots of fun, as you can see.

(I got in trouble for this one because I took a picture of the backside of the director of the preschool.  I think she'll get over it.)

My favorite picture, hands down, is this one.  Abby walked over to me very upset because there weren't enough bouncy things for her to play with her friends.  As she got to me, they called her back and one of her friends told her to ride with her.  I barely whipped out the camera in time, and it is a little blurry because I was far away and really had to zoom and crop to show it.  That said, worth a thousand words...

I was so glad I got to go.  It was in the air, because siblings weren't allowed, but I worked it out last minute.  I was the only mom in her class that attended and it was nice for her to have the mom that was there.  This is why I am staying home.  That is the mom I want to be.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Baby Shower

I threw my first ever baby shower this weekend.  I didn't know many of the guests, so I really wanted their first impression to be good.  I co-hosted with another friend of the guest of honor, Renee.  We decided, after a little research, do have a "daisy" theme, with mostly all yellow and white.  Kate was in charge of the cupcakes, which turned out so cute.  I think the 3 tier rack really completed the look.  I bought all different kinds of yellow and white candies:  jelly bellies, m&ms, lemon drops.

Renee, our guest of honor, is due July 2.

The rest of the food:  deviled eggs, fruit, sugar cookies frosted to look like daisies tied up with yellow ribbon, and lemonade with fresh lemon slices floating in it. 

Myself, Renee, and Kate


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