Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Random Thoughts on Snow

(Picture from here)

As you can tell from my last couple of posts, we have been getting a ton of snow in the last week or so here. So far, I haven't really had to get out in it unless I want to. Until today. Abby has/had preschool today and even thought the local schools were on a 2 hour delay, we had preschool as normal. Thus, Carrie had to get out in the snow. Yuck. I can't really complain after growing up in the snow belt of Lake Michigan, but it just feels different here. Bigger city, I guess. That said, I had some random thoughts while driving Abby to preschool this morning:
  • I am glad I drive a SUV. Granted, mine is technically a crossover, but it is still higher up than a car, which means that I don't scrape bottom on all the chunks dropped by the rest of the cars. Yay Murano!
  • I am sooo glad that I get to park in a garage. No cleaning snow off the car before I go places. EVERY snow I am thankful for this as I see people who did a half-a$$ job of cleaning off their cars.
  • Shoveling all the excess snow from your driveway into the street isn't very nice. It just makes a big ol' pile that others (like me) have to drive around.
  • Looking out your window in a subdivision gives you really NO idea what the road conditions are like. Our streets are generally about 10 times worse than the main roads.
  • Sometimes the well traveled streets aren't really that much better than other side streets. -and sometimes they are worse (as I found out this morning).
  • Bad wind makes everything worse when it comes to snow. Bleck.
Lots of thoughts for one drive to preschool.

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