Sunday, March 22, 2009


Lily is now 7 weeks old, and I am learning some essential lessons. But, first let me set up why these lessons are important...

Our lives (Matt and mine) are crazy busy. We literally, between both of us, have something going on every work night. This includes 2 nights of classes for Matt, pilates for me, and Lenten study for both of us. I am home full time now, and before I was, I actually thought I'd have to work to get out of the house and stay busy. Ha. Between Preschool, dance class, Mom's group, doctor's appointments, trips to the libray, etc, etc., I am running constantly. Just this week alone, I have 3 different types of doctor's appointments to keep track of. I am very blessed to be married to Matt. He's very hands on, and we really share this parenting thing as much as we can. That said, he works full time and is taking two grad courses a sememster until he has his MBA. That leaves me covering most of the kid-stuff during the work week.

This last week, I think it caught up with me a little bit. I was overwelmed, and I needed a break. bad. ...and I realized that getting a break makes me love my children more and makes me a better mother. Matt held Lily for a couple hours Thursday evening after he got home from class. I was sitting right next to him, but I didn't have to respond to her every need like normal, and I swear that when I finally held her again before bed she was cuter and I felt like I could love her better. Even he noticed and commented that I seemed like a different mother after that break.

On Saturday night, we both got a break when we went to a party. We were only gone three hours, but it was an "adults only" party, which was what we needed. It just isn't the same when they are in the same house/building, like at church functions. We came home refreshed and ready to care for her better (and Abby- but let's be honest, Lily is the most work right now). Not to mention, we just simply had fun with friends.

All of these small lessons make me wonder why some parents feel like they shouldn't go places without their children. I wonder if they know that it makes them better parents when they get a break. I am really looking forward to when Lily gets a little older, and isn't completely dependent on me, and we can leave the girls for a night or two. I'm thinking a weekend trip to the beach with my husband sounds like a goal... Don't you?

1 comment:

Lodie (my nickname) said...

You are so right!! let us know if you want us to come over and stay with the girls sometime (after Easter)

Love you--- you are doing a great job!!!!!

Love Mom


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