Friday, June 8, 2012

A small glimpse of having a traveling husband and father

So, I was perusing the pictures on my iPhone and I caught this one which is a screen shot from Wednesday of the girls and I trying to FaceTime with Matt.  This is me trying to corral the girls into the little camera view so we can all "talk" to Daddy.

Lately, it seems like Lily has had the hardest time with Matt being gone.  I'm not sure if it is her age, or not.  Seeing him makes a difference for her.  Just talking on the phone doesn't help as much.  The iPhones have helped in that way.  We were so dumb, because we didn't even use that feature for the longest time and then all of a sudden I realized we had it.  I get used to it, but it's the hardest when I have evening stuff where I have to juggle the girls and schedules on my own.  That, and if I get sick.  We watch our fair share of movies.  :)

Anyhoo, funny picture.  Just a glimpse of my day to day that I thought I'd share.  

Have a great Friday!!!!

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