Monday, December 12, 2011

Just another Manic Monday...

I don't know about you, but our family is recovering from a VERY busy weekend. I mean, we are very popular party people, you know! Just kidding. But, we really did have a crazy busy weekend. It is that time of year.

I realize I have been a bad blogger lately, but I decided that was okay. Blogging is a fun thing I do, not a chore.

I DO have some fun pictures and stories to share with you today, though. A week or so ago, I was driving to pick up the girls from my Mom after a weekend without them. We meet half way, so it's about an hour and a half trip for each of us. I got stuck in traffic, because of a wreck. But, I had this to sit behind. I should add that I don't even like Miracle Whip (or mayo), but this cracks me up. What a cute advertising campaign.

On another note, winter has hit. I decided to dig through Abby's closet for a pair of old slippers that she had outgrown to see if I could find them, AND to see if they would fit Lily. Score on both counts. Lily loves them. She is to be called Monkey Girl, because she has monkey jammies and monkey slippers (her words, not mine). She still has trouble with the flip flop part, but she loves to "skate" on the kitchen floor.

We've also had some magic happen at our house in the last week or two. At least I consider it magic. We have had that leap, where Abby is reading books on her own. Not little phonics readers from school, but real books, all on her own. It's magical. The first time, it was Santa Mouse, and she surprised even herself, and there has been no stopping her since. I LOVE it.

It is so different to see it from a parent's perspective versus a teacher's perspective. I mean I taught for 8 years, but when you teach you are so focused on the teaching part. This part is way better.

We are looking forward to getting through this week because then everyone is home. Matt and Abby are both off for two weeks. I can't wait. We have lots of fun holiday plans. Until then, I have lots to do.....

Have a great week!

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