Sunday, June 21, 2009

Taking Charge

On Friday I made the big decision to change Lily's formula. Ever since we started supplementing with formula, she has had some tummy problems and they have just continued and not gotten better. I have asked the doctor about it, but he didn't seem to think it was something to worry about. I finally decided that I had waited it out long enough (I'm not sure why I waited as long as I did, in retrospect), and started researching different kinds of formula. I took a quiz on the Similac website, where it tells you the best formula for your baby, and sure enough it said that we should be using the Sensitive formula that helps with fussiness and gas. Now, this whole process is a big move for me because I am such a rule follower and always do what the pediatrician tells me to, but a very good friend told me that I know my baby best and should go for it. So I did. The website said that you didn't have to phase it in, you could just switch cold turkey. That night, we bought the new stuff and threw out what was left of the other. The Sensitve formula is still milk based, which is good. I didn't want to put her on soy unless I really had to.

So far, I really think it is helping. We've been using it for about 48 hours and all is well. It feels really good to know that I followed my instinct and I was right.

(the funny part of the story is that when we went and bought it Friday night, we bought a couple packs of it, for a grand total of about $60. When we got home, it was the wrong stuff and all had to be returned! Matt had accidently grabbed Sensitive RS instead of plain old Sensitive. Darn "RS"!)

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