Monday, August 19, 2013

The first days of school...

We have officially had the first day of school for everyone here.  Abby had her first day a couple weeks ago.  We are on what they call a "balanced" schedule here, which is essentially a year-round schedule, so she started on July 31.  That seemed ungodly early to me too, I assure you.  But, the 2 week October break is pretty great.

This year was a biggie, because Abby started at a new school this year since we moved in May.  I'd be lying if I didn't say it was a little tough.  We went to the school's ice cream social prior to the first day to find her room and meet her teacher briefly, so she was very excited about about the first day, however, making friends is hard and slow.  

We had a misunderstanding with the bus where she got seating permanently with kindergartners on the first day because she was small and we didn't realize it.  We got that corrected as soon as we found out, but it took over a week for her to tell us.  Now, she is sitting with other third graders and has fun on the bus.

She also has made more friends.  The first week or so, she really only had one friend that she played with at recess, but now we are hearing about lots of people.  She has told me that making friends has been hard.  -but I think it's getting better.  I'm actually hearing silly stories from recess now.  The second full week was a very good week.  I was feeling very home sick for our old school after the first full week, but now I'm feeling like we're going to make it.  Now I just need to get plugged in.  They haven't had anything for parents yet.  I'm still waiting on that.... feeling a little disconnected.  I'm sure it will come too.  I'm just not the best at change.

-and as for Miss Lily...  Today was her first day of Pre K.  She'll be going 3 days a week this year and had a great first day.  She was very excited to be able to take her picture this morning holding a sign "just like Abby does."  She's attending the same preschool she did last year, at our church.

...and of course, it doesn't seem fair to leave you with inaccurate pictures of my girls, so here's the real one (silly faces!):


Lodie said...

You did such a great job of negotiating some of those issues for her. You sre such a great mom!!!

Lodie said...

You did such a great job of negotiating some of those issues for her. You sre such a great mom!!!


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