Friday, September 14, 2012

A Second Grade Mexican Celebration!

Today was the culmination of a unit that Abby's class has been working on about Mexico, and boy, was she excited.  It was the Mexican Celebration!

You can tell I have lost my blogging mojo, because I hardly took any pictures.  Nonetheless, it was very fun.  The class was divided into groups and each group was in charge of a "shop" at the market that they needed to set up when we got outside to our location (the outdoor shelter).  Once they were set up, their teacher, Mrs. E, had them all close their eyes and talked them through an airplane ride and landing and being transported to an outdoor market.

First on the agenda was a Mexican Hat Dance.  It was great.  Then, we headed into the Market and the kids shopped.  All of the shops were selling handmade creations (by them):  maracas (Abby's group), tissue paper flowers, mosaics, a cup game, and pinch pots.

Next, they got to sample Mexican cuisine provided by the parents.  I brought in tamales, but there were many things to sample.  The funniest thing was that among all the moms there, and many of us are active PTO moms that know each other, we all thought everyone else would send in chips and salsa so we didn't do that, and then NO ONE sent in chips and salsa!  Isn't that funny?  We decided maybe that was better because that might have been all they would have eaten if we had it, but this way they tried more.  I was excited because my tamales (which weren't homemade, but still new to me) were a hit.  

The big finale was pinatas.  One for the boys and one for the girls.  :)

So far second grade has been very good to Abby. 

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