Thursday, July 12, 2012

Abby turned seven!

Somehow, my firstborn made it to her seventh birthday on July 1.  (I'm a little late posting this)  Wow.  Those seven years have gone fast.  

Birthdays sure have changed too.  The first couple years, birthday parties are really about the parents.  Now, Abby cares about what we do.  With some guidance from me, we decided on a party at the movie theater.  They have a party room that you can reserve for an hour either before or after the movie.  We were so lucky that the new movie Brave opened the weekend before Abby's birthday.  It ended up being perfect because it was about a hundred degrees out (literally), so a cool movie theater was exactly where you wanted to be.

Her birthday was on Sunday, her "friend" party was on the Thursday preceding, and her family party was on Saturday.

Here are her and her friends enjoying her Brave storybook (gift) before the movie in the party room.

One of her favorite gifts.  :)  She loves her hair.

At gymnastics practice the next day, they sang to Abby.  She stood on the beam, while her team sang to her.  It was super cute.

Her family party- we had a DQ Blizzard cake.  It was a HUGE hit.

She is a blessed little girl and we are a blessed family to have her.

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