Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random Ramblings

Some some random thoughts for you on this post...

Yesterday, Abby kept an eye on Lily while I took a shower (not an unusual occurrence) and Lily fell asleep (again, not unusual). However, you know how you hear about babies falling asleep in funny places because they are so tired? This isn't all that funny of a place, but it struck me as funny anyway. Just in the middle of the walkway, crashed out.

Poor tired baby...

On Sunday, we decided to have a snacky dinner. Matt really liked my brilliant idea from a while back of putting different things in a muffin tray and chowing down. He was funny. He was very proud of how it looked when he finished, so he ran to get the camera and take a picture. You'd be amazed at how many things you can think of to fill it up. I thought it would be hard to fill up the first time we did it. Nope!

And, last but not least, today Abby got a haircut! She picked the pink car to sit in. We made a deal that we weren't going to cut it super short, because she still wanted to be able to have ponytails and braids and such. That sounded fair, but we still cut off about 2 inches. It doesn't look crazy different, but just very well kept. She was up for going to get it cut as long as she could get a balloon (which is Cookie Cutters practice). In the car on the way, she asked me what grownups get if they are "good girls" when they get their haircut. Isn't that funny that she thought that we still get something fun when we grow up? Maybe we should.

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