Thursday, March 20, 2014

Abby's Auction Prize Announcements

At our school's Spring Fling about two weeks ago, there was a Teacher Auction, where families could bid on different "experiences" that teachers offered.  Abby chose two that she was interested in and won both!

One was from the Library teacher and was a free book of their choice, a snack during their next Library special area class, and they got to go shoe-less during class also.  Abby got to redeem it this week and said she felt like a queen.

Her second, which I am sharing pictures of, was to replace the Teacher position on Announcements for one day.  Fifth graders usually have roles also, but Abby's only a third grader, so this was a big deal.  She did GREAT.  I got to stay and watch (and I recorded it).

They have two trunks full of hats to chose from, and the school counselor (she's in charge of announcements) asked if Abby would like to chose one to wear and Abby jumped at the chance.  Here is the one she chose.  We all thought she chose a great one:

Practicing and waiting:

And time for the real thing:

She did GREAT!!!  One of the fellow third graders that were doing the pledge immediately told her she did great as soon as the cameras were turned off, and the kids told hers she was better than Mr. N, who she was filling in for as part of the auction.  Mrs. A, the counselor, said she needed to be part of the team when she was in fifth grade.  I agree.  She was awesome.

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