We started our Thanksgiving week out on Tuesday with special programs at both of the girls' schools.
Lily's preschool had a special Grandparent's Day program, and since all of our grandparent's are out of state, we went! There was a marionette show. It was super fun. The kids had a choice to go sit up front and Lily was up there right away. She is the one with a gray shirt and pink pants- kind of in the back-center.
Then, we went home, had lunch, and went straight to Abby's school for her class' special Thanksgiving play, which was awesome. They had different scenes all around the room. Abby was part of the "modern table."
The Mayflower:
Then on Wednesday, we headed over to Ohio for Thanksgiving. My sister ended up really sick on Thanksgiving. We don't know if it was food poisoning or a stomach bug or what, but we got some time with my nephew Jacob....
The three littles watching a movie. I don't think Jacob sits this still for very long but he had his cousins modeling for him. :) On a side note, one of the movies we watched was Arthur Christmas. It was very cute. I highly recommend it.
Grandma, Papa, Abby, and Lily made a homemade gingerbread house. It was fabulous.
By the end decorating phase, just Papa and Abby were left, but it is awesome.
...and last but not least... the wishbone. It's the girls' first time doing it. I had to explain it, which Abby understood. She won her wish, but then Lily cheered and said she won too. That's okay. No losers here!
...now on to Christmas season! I can't wait to get all our decorations up!