Saturday, I attempted to put Lily's hair in full pigtails. She is officially a Dickerson little girl. Oh, how I love a little girl in piggies. I think she liked how it looked too. :)
This morning I woke up with a headache, that got progressively worse. After I got Abby on the bus, I realized I was headed for the town of "migraine-ville", so I popped "the serious" migraine meds and I think I'm going to be okay. The downside is I feel hungover from the side effects. No fun. All I want to do is sleep. Shower and be productive, not so much. I can't believe I'm sitting at the computer doing this, to be honest, but I'm trying...
I usually avoid getting into big political, heated debates, but this shooting in Arizona is really upsetting. It isn't okay to speak about violence against someone just because you disagree with their politics. I'm not say that this is what caused the shooting, but it needs to stop. It isn't okay. We can disagree without being hateful.
Moving on to something lighter...
I am looking forward to watching "Off the Map" this week. It is by the same writer as "Grey's Anatomy" and "Private Practice," which I watch. I wonder if it will be good... It has been nice to have new shows back on this month. December was booorrrring on TV with all the repeats.
Lily is going to be 2 in less than 3 weeks! Yikes! How did that happen? Unbelievable. She is becoming such a little person. You never realize how different they will be from your first (even though everyone warns you), but she certainly is!
I am trying to read a new book that I got for Christmas that I am anxious to get into. It is titled "Outlander" and is supposed to be really good. If only I could find time that I am not super tired to read it! My Mom's Group is also starting "Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible," which is the third book in the series that we've read. We are all really looking forward to it. The author does an amazing job of crafting a modern version of a biblical story and then uses it to teach the story of that woman and what we can learn from her. I highly recommend the books.
We are supposed to get a bunch of snow tomorrow, luckily we are already pretty stocked on groceries and such. Not sure it will be enough to shut things down, though. It really all depends on what time of day it hits, I think, and how fast it comes down. It seems like snow here is different than where I grew up with all the of the lake effect snow from Lake Michigan. We get a lot more ice... it just seems different. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not a kid.
I'm out of Tidbits for now.... Have a great Monday everyone!
I updated my "About Me" page today in case you want to check it out while you're perusing the blog. :)